英文: It takes to you the integrity during complete wonder, the high school low frequency all processes Qia arrives the advantage, has not exploded the tendency, actually has extremely richly, extremely has elastically low frequency, moreover is in no way muddy
中文: 它带给你完整无缺的美妙,高中低频均处理得洽到好处,没有膨爆的动态,却有极其丰富,极具弹性的低频,而且决不混浊,无论从选曲、配乐的编配,亦或是高、中、低频的技术运用,再或是前奏、间奏、尾奏的韵律,在博采众长的基础上都有前所未有的创新。
英文: Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental conditions.
中文: 结构材料的选择应使其在外界条件中保持其弹性。
英文: Materials to be used for strutural prupose are chosen so as too behave elastically in the environmental condition.
中文: 结构上用的材料必须选择得使它们在周围环境条件下具有弹性。