英文: The hardness and density of high yielding soils were lower than those of the control plot soils.
中文: 高产稻田土壤硬度和容重比对照田块的低。
英文: Compared with Maofen, the yield of grated Maofen at control plot increased 0.0% to 0,7kg/hm, at SS + BCA plot it increased 0.% to 0, 9kg/ hm, at MB and MB + VIF plots the yield of grafted Maofen increased .0% and .9% to 9,77kg and , 9kg respectively.
中文: 太阳能+生防制剂小区嫁接毛粉比毛粉增产0, 9kg/hm~,增产率为0.%; 甲基溴和甲基溴+VIF膜区,嫁接毛粉比毛粉增产分别为9,77kg/hm~和, 9kg/hm~,增产率为.0%和.9%;