英文: 3would be strong and full of passion for football, as he was abundantly nourished and had enjoyed waving his hands and kicking his feet in a warm covered place, without hurrying out of blond 1to (4) encounter this rainy winter, as well as black 1. 3would
中文: “三”将身强力壮,酷爱足球,因为他在一个保温覆盖之地饱食终日,手舞足蹈,根本不想从“金发一”中匆忙而出,去迎接多雨之冬和“黑发一”.“三”将是未来的天才,或许是又一个爱因斯坦,因为他是“其他二位”爱和智慧的结晶.在这个世界趋于一体化的时代,“三”将是地球村里最有资格的地球公民,因为他代表着儒家精神和笛卡尔精神最完满的结合.
英文: Are you blind? There was a big, black bear walking on that hill, over there.
中文: “你瞎了么?一只大黑熊在山上跑呢,就那儿!”
英文: Black cats already suffer a stigma(5) because of their color,said Gail Buchwald, vice president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shelter in New York City. Why penalize(6) them any more by limiting the times when they can be
中文: 纽约美国防止虐待动物协会副主席盖尔·布什瓦尔德说:“黑猫因为皮毛颜色已经很倒霉了,为什么还要减少他们被领养的机会?”
英文: Every time I look at that black and gold lacquer box on my desk, it calls up memories of our trip to Bangkok last year.
中文: 从这句话我们可以知道,这个说话的人去年访问了泰国。他说:“每当我看到我桌上那个黑色和金色的盒子,我就回想起去年访问曼谷的情景。”
英文: His head is like gold, pure gold; His locks are like clusters of dates And black as a raven.
中文: 歌5:11他的头像至精的金子.他的头发厚密纍垂、黑如乌鸦。