英文: Just as a sensible copyright policy could endorse and strongly support a copyright system without having to regulate the spread of culture perfectly and forever, a sensible patent policy could endorse and strongly support a patent system without having to
中文: 就像一项明智的版权政策可以认可并大力支持版权系统,但无须事无巨细的管理文化的传播一样,一项明智的专利政策可以认可和大力支持专利系统,但无须妨碍药品向无法负担市场价格的国家传播。
英文: Under the influence of the patent system and big industry lobbyists, the European Union is on the verge of making a huge mistake: to pass a law that would legalize software patents.
中文: 在某些专利组织和大公司的游说下,欧盟准备通过一项法律使软件专利权得以合法化,这将是一个很大的错误。