英文: According to the chemical experimental data of residual organic carbon content, kerogen carbon isotope, aliphaltic gas chromatography mass spectrometry of 67 outcrop specimens in the Baise basin, the authors analyse the geochemical characteristics of the
中文: 根据百色盆地周缘大量露头样品的残余有机碳含量、干酪根碳同位素、饱和烃色谱及色质等地球化学实验数据,分析了下三叠统-泥盆系海相烃源岩的有机质丰度、类型、热演化程度。
英文: Crop rotations without addition of fertilizers help maintain soil organic carbon and N levels, but do not maintain high productivity levels.
中文: 不施肥的作物轮作有助于维持土壤有机碳和氮水平,但不能维持高生产力水平。
英文: Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) levels play a critical role in agricultural sustainability and, maybe more important, in mitigating greenhouse effects and global climate changes.
中文: 摘要土壤有机碳的增加不仅有助于农业可持续发展,而且对缓解温室气体增加和全球气候变化等也具有重要意义。
英文: Lass on ignition (LOI) is a simple, inexpensive method widely used to measure contents of organic and inorganic carbon in lake sediments.
中文: 摘要烧失量分析是一种便捷的测定湖泊沉积物有机碳与碳酸盐含量的方法。
英文: Soil enzyme activities were analyzed in forest, bush, badlands and Zanthoxylum bungeanum forest, the content of dissolved organic carbon also increased with the community of plant evolved from superior to inferior, and ceo-environment was declined by plan
中文: 并且通过对花江地区常绿阔叶林、灌丛以及荒草地与碳有关的土壤酶的活性研究,证明在群落从高级向低级演替过程中,酶的活性降低,活性有机碳的含量增加,生态环境恶化。