英文: Global ice ages occurred at least three times in the period known as the Proterozoic eon, first at 2.3 billion years ago and again at 750 million and 600 million years ago.
中文: 原生代期间至少发生过三次全球性冰期,第一次始于23亿年前,其后于7.5亿与6亿年前又再度发生。
英文: Like the better-studied late Proterozoic glaciations, the Huronian event appears to have been global, based on interpretations that some of the continents were near the equator at the time ice covered them.
中文: 休伦冰期的相关研究不如其后两次原生代冰期详尽,但从当时位于赤道附近的部份陆地也受冰层覆盖的情况看来,它似乎也是一场全球性事件。
英文: The Ayadeng and Sailinhudong Formations were established in the 1970's by the regional geological survey, and the former was considered to belong to the Proterozoic Baiyunebo Group and the later belonged to the Sinian System.
中文: 摘要阿牙登组和腮林忽洞组是上世纪70年代1/20万区调建立的地层单位,当时将阿牙登组置于白云鄂博群,腮林忽洞组归于震旦系。
英文: The eastern and western parts consist of two oldest Archean-Early Proterozoic stable land masses of China, whereas the central part is the Proterozoic land mass, which is rather active due to the compressive action of Qinghai-Tibet plateau.
中文: 东、西部由中国最古老的2个太古代-早元古代稳定地块组成,而中部是元古代地块区,因受青藏高原的推挤,活动性较大。
英文: The main diagenetic stage and relevant rock types are the Middle Proterozoic assemblage of gneissoid granodiorite-adamellite and the Sinean schistosity diorates.
中文: 主要成岩期及代表性岩类有:中元古界为片麻状花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩,震旦纪为片理化闪长岩。