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床, 睡眠处, 河床, 底座, 路基

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*[bed]\nn. 床, 睡眠处, 河床, 底座, 路基, 一层\nvt. 提供宿处, 栽种, 安装\nvi. 睡, 形成坚实的一层\n【医】 褥, 床\n相关词组:\n get out of bed on the wrong side\n bed down\n go to bed\n go to bed in one's boots\n keep the bed\n lie on a bed of thorns\n make the bed\n put to bed\n put to bed with a shovel\n take to one's bed\n a bed of roses\n in bed

英文: A newspaper says that a picture that had cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office.

中文: 你大概可以知道这句话的意思是:“一份报纸说,一部花了三千四百万美元摄制的影片卖座率很低。”也就是说,这部电影的本钱都收不回来。        更详细...
英文: As for his father, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was not good among his people, behold, he will die for his iniquity.

中文: 结18:18至于他父亲、因为欺人太甚、抢夺弟兄、在本国的民中行不善、他必因自己的罪孽死亡。        更详细...
英文: As for your birth, on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water for cleansing; you were not rubbed with salt or even wrapped in cloths.

中文: 结16:4论到你出世的景况、在你初生的日子没有为你断脐带、也没有用水洗你、使你洁净、丝毫没有撒盐在你身上、也没有用布裹你。        更详细...
英文: BAD CARBS: Sugary foods and starches like many pastas, white bread, and potatoes that are quickly absorbed in our digestive system and quickly raise our blood sugar levels.

中文: 非健康碳水化合物:糖份多的食物和淀粉类食物,它们极易被我们的消化系统吸收,并导致血糖含量迅速升高。这类食品包括许多面食、白面包和各种土豆。        更详细...
英文: By Jove!exclaimed Rhodes-Fotheringham, with peculiar puffed cheeks. He appeared to be somewhat perturbed by Blake's proclamation, and I noticed how agitated he became as his companion continued the tale.

中文: “天呀!”拉霍斯-佛斯林汉姆喊道。他脸上的肉松垮垮的,他像是被布莱克的话吓到了,我注意到当布莱克讲故事的时候,他变得越来越不安。        更详细...

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