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light oil

【化】 轻油\n【经】 低粘度油, 轻油

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英文: For the initially commissioned gas transmission pipeline ,foreign materials such as soil ,water and light oil will enter into pipe,which is hazardous to the operation of pipeline and some facilities.

中文: 在天然气长输管道投产初期,因各种原因会产生一些威胁管道安全运行的问题,如管内存在泥土、水、轻质油等有害物质,若不及时清除,将会堵塞管道及相关设备。        更详细...
英文: NOTE: This declaration is not valid with regard to CE or UNI standards for gas burners or the gas part of duel-fuel burners (gas/light oil or gas/heavy oil) when such burners have been ordered in non-compliance with the CE standard or Italian UNI standard

中文: 注释:当气体燃烧器或双燃料(气体/轻油或气体/重油)气体部分燃烧器用在不顺和CE或意大利标准的UNI时,此声明不认为有效的,因为标准没有说被用在特殊目的上没有提供附加的标准。        更详细...
英文: Results indicate that: oil and gas in Donghetang formation have the same sources; the components of light oil in the southern are different to the northern; the heavy oil either the asphalt with the light oil are formed in the different time; the northern

中文: 结果表明:东河塘组油气具有同源性;轻质油成份南北有所差异,重油或沥青与轻质油分属不同期的产物;北部井多分布重质油和沥青,向南减少,轻质油增加,北部和中北部井多出现水驱特征。        更详细...
英文: The existing of poypropylene can raise the liquid fraction ratio, especially the light oil ratio, so it can fortify the effect of the cracking reaction of polyene to light oil.

中文: 摘要在废旧聚烯烃的裂解反应中,聚丙烯的存在,可以提高轻油馏份的收率,增强反应的油化效果,本文称之为聚烯烃裂解反应的增强效应。        更详细...
英文: We hereby declare that our gas, light oil, heavy oil, and combination (gas/light oil or gas/heavy oil) burners are manufactured in conformance with current CE, CEI and UNI standards.

中文: 我们在此声明,我们的气体、轻油、重油以及双燃料(气体/轻油或气体重油)燃烧器是和现行的CE,CEI和UNI标准相一致进行制造的。        更详细...

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