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*['ɒbligeit];vt. 使负义务, 强使, 使感激, 施恩惠于;a. 有责任的, 必须的;【医】 专性的, 固

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*['ɒbligeit]\nvt. 使负义务, 强使, 使感激, 施恩惠于\na. 有责任的, 必须的\n【医】 专性的, 固性的, 必需的

英文: The president and first lady will be spending that together tomorrow morning,press secretary Tony Snow said. He wouldn't speculate on whether the president is obligated to get another gift.

中文: 白宫新闻发言人托尼·斯诺说:“总统会和夫人一起庆祝结婚纪念日。”但他不确定布什会不会再送上一份大礼。        更详细...
英文: For Penn State professor Henry Giroux, however, Mickey Mouse represents the vast reach of American cultural power, symbolizing a company that has turned childhood into a function of consumerism as children feel obligated to purchase the latest Finding Nem

中文: 然而对于宾州州立大学的教授亨利·吉鲁来说,米老鼠代表了美国文化力量的巨大影响,象征着一个将儿童时代化作消费功能的公司,因为它让孩子们觉得有义务购买最新的《海底总动员》DVD或米老鼠手表。        更详细...
英文: The depository bank shall collect and hold the share proceeds in accordance with the agreement, and issue receipts to subscribers who have paid their share proceeds, and is obligated to provide to the relevant authority a certificate for receipt of share

中文: 代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。        更详细...
英文: The discussions and the exchange of Confidential Information contemplated by this Agreement shall not obligate any of the parties hereto to commence or continue negotiations with the other or to reach or execute any agreement with the other with respect t

中文: 对于协议所预期的机密文件的讨论和交流,任何一方都没有权利负责去开始着手或继续与另一方谈判,或者就双方讨论的任何问题与另一方去达成或执行协议.        更详细...
英文: obligate I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you.

中文: 我没有义务让你知道我生活的每一个小细节。        更详细...

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