英文: Angiosperms The flowering plants constituting by far the largest phylum (Anthophyta or Angiospermophyta)of vascular seed plants.
中文: 被子植物:由显花植物组成的最大的一门维管种子植物。
英文: Angiosperms are divided into two major classes, the monocotyledons (MONOCOTYLEDONAE) and dicotyledons (DICOTYLEDONAE), with a small basal group known as primitive dicotyledons.
中文: 被子植物可以划分为两个纲,单子叶植物纲和双子叶植物纲。
英文: As a general rule, forests dominated by angiosperms (broadleaf forests) are more species-rich than those dominated by gymnosperms (conifer or needleleaf forests), although exceptions exist (for example, species-poor aspen and birch stands in northern lati
中文: 作为普遍规则,受被子植物支配的森林(阔叶林)比那些受裸子植物支配的森林(松树或针叶林)物种丰富,虽然有例外存在(例如,种类匮乏的白杨和桦树生长在北纬度地区)。
英文: Budding rounded busts and waistline curves were seen and hair became softer and prettier as hair perms improved.
中文: 用花蕾装点胸部和腰线也能够看到,头发变得更柔顺也更妩媚因为烫发技术已经改进。
英文: Cycadophyta (cycads) A phylum of cone-bearing gymnosperms (about 75 living species) with palmlike compound leaves and special CORALLOID ROOTS at or near the ground surface, which contain symbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.
中文: 苏铁纲(苏铁类植物):包含球果的一类裸子植物(现存种大约有75种),它们具有掌状的复叶,在近地面处有特殊的珊瑚状的根,根内含有共生的固氮蓝细菌。