英文: Ludwig's angina is a rapidly spreading, potentially life-threatening infection involving the submental space and the submandibular and sublingual spaces bilaterally.
中文: 摘要鲁特维格氏咽峡炎是一种急性发作、进展迅速,而且可能引起呼吸道阻塞而致命的蜂窝性组织炎。
英文: We present a case of Ludwig's angina in an 8-month-old infant with abscess formation in the submental space and bilaterally in the submandibular spaces, with extension to both parotid and parapharyngeal spaces, which required emergent incision and drainag
中文: 由于鲁特维格氏咽峡炎主要仍起源于齿源性感染,在婴儿发生实属相当罕见,本病例报告即针对目前呼吸道处置的时机与方式,成人与婴幼儿在临床表现及治疗的差异进行讨论。