英文: Get those fingers around the neck and strangle that baby in the crib!- On preemptive destruction of potential enemies, 2 October 2001.
中文: “把指头绕在脖子上,掐死那个在摇篮里的婴儿!”─谈对潜在敌人的先发性毁灭,2001年10月2日。
英文: He thought he could get his fingers in the candy jar.- On why Hitler went on a rampage, 18 September 2001.
中文: 「他自以为可以把整碗捧走。」─谈希特勒何以会如此肆无忌惮,2001年9月18日。
英文: I wanted to struggle, but he pressed so hard with his fingers that he held my entire prone body in check; and as soon as I stopped my abortive attempt at rebellion, he sank his teeth into my neck. The boy's eyes grew huge.
中文: “我想要反抗,但是他用手紧紧压住我,把我整个身体都钳制住,在我放弃挣扎的一瞬间,他把牙齿插入了我的脖子。”
英文: My fingers are crossed for(2) Harry,Irving said at a joint news conference before a charity reading by the three writers at New York's Radio City Music Hall.
中文: “我为哈利祈祷,”欧文说。他与金和罗琳参加了在纽约城市广播音乐厅举行的慈善读书会前的联合记者招待会。
英文: ) but obliged me with wag of fingers and a mild telling-off about the behaving-like-young-ladies part before moving on to her office.
中文: ,但是仍然要保持学校定下的指导方针,训了我一小顿,要我坐姿斯文一点,然后就回办公室了。