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*[sju:t, su:t];n. 套装, 诉讼, 请求, 起诉, 套, 组;vt. 适合, 使适应;vi. 合适, 相

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*[sju:t, su:t]\nn. 套装, 诉讼, 请求, 起诉, 套, 组\nvt. 适合, 使适应\nvi. 合适, 相称\n【医】 [一套]衣服\n相关词组:\n press one's suit\n follow suit\n suit oneself\n in one's birthday suit

英文: But the events ahead are the strong suits of the United States and Russia,she told reporters, referring mainly to athletics, which opens with the shot put on Wednesday.

中文: “但是接下来的赛事是美国和俄罗斯的强项。”何慧娴告诉记者说,特指从周三开始的体育项目。        更详细...
英文: Guess what, sir?the clerk said. I finally sold that terrible, ugly suit we\'ve had so long!

中文: “猜猜看发生什么事了,经理。”店员说,“我终于把那套一直压在这儿的难看透顶的西装卖出去了!”        更详细...
英文: I declare as the entrant that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event(s) of the type(s) to which this entry relates that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for the event having rega

中文: 本人以提名人身份深信,所提选之驾驶员是有自制和适当的能力参与比赛,以及参赛车辆是符合在道路及跑道上行驶作赛,本人及参赛者和所有队员同意在跑道上及其措施上所引起的意外全由我们自己负责.        更详细...
英文: JinhuiBrand woman's suits, including sports wear, dust coat, jacket, cotton-padded clothes, T-shirt, seven-tenths trouses, shirt, one-piece dress, cocktail dress and jean sweater, is orienting themselves to serve the upscale consumers.

中文: “金卉”女装主要针对高素质、求时尚、爱运动的消费群体,年龄主要定位在16-30岁之间的女性领都市运动时尚休闲族,主要产品有运动套装、风衣、茄克、棉衣、T恤、七分裤、衬衫、连衣裙、短裙、毛衫牛仔系列等。        更详细...
英文: Longxing Btangelectric garment front knitting machines (inkle loom) are suitable for knitting the front of knitting garments (jerkins). it can also knit the scarves and knitting belts made of wool, rabbit hair, synthetic fiber etc.

中文: “龙星牌”电动门襟机(织带机),适用于编织针织服装(开衫)的门襟,也可以用于编织羊毛,兔毛,晴纶等绒线的围巾及针织带。        更详细...

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