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mechanical device

【化】 机械装置

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英文: A mechanical device used to toast bread, especially by exposure to electrically heated wire coils.

中文: 烤箱用来烤面包尤其是通过用电热线圈加热的方式的机械设备        更详细...
英文: An electrical gate or mechanical device which implements the logical OR operator. An output signal occurs whenever there are one or more inputs on a multichannel input. An OR gate performs the function of the logicalinclusive OR operation.

中文: 一种实现逻辑“或”算法的门电路或机械器件。当在其多通道输入端有一个或多个输入时就产生一个输出信号。“或”门实现逻辑“或操作”的功能。同ORelement。        更详细...
英文: Based on the technical development and creation of electronic jacquard machine, new mechanical device is developed and applied to electronic jacquard machine and restraint design is used to simplify the determination of its shedding motion parameters to m

中文: 摘要电子提花机的发展和应用体现在机构传动和电气技术两个方面,经过电子提花机发展的技术积累和创新,研发了新结构的电子提花机,并利用约束设计思想来简化对提花机开口装置参数的计算,从而使电子提花机的开口设计便捷而准确。        更详细...
英文: If the brain of a living creature could accurately control two dissimilar robot arms—despite the signal noise and transmission delays inherent in our lab network and the error-prone Internet—perhaps it could someday control a mechanical device or actual l

中文: 如果透过充斥杂讯及传递延迟的实验室网路,以及容易出错的网际网路,某个活生生个体的大脑还可以正确控制两台不一样的机械手臂的话,那麽有朝一日,这种做法将可能以对人类真正有用的方式,来控制机械装置或实际的肢体。        更详细...
英文: Regards as the key, the use high automationelectromechanical device carries on the security, the effectivemanagement to the parking lot.

中文: 视为关键,利用高度自动化的机电设备对停车场进行安全、有效的管理。        更详细...

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