英文: The American trend is coming over here. Over there the whole street goes barmy at Christmas.
中文: “美国的风尚传到了我们这儿,那头的整条街道在圣诞节都被打扮的古怪起来。”
英文: Although the sounds of fart were different, but the smell were consistent definitely, that was sulfur dioxide and barmy radishes.
中文: 虽然放屁的声音各有千秋但气味都是绝对的一致,就是二氧化硫加上一些发酵的坏萝卜味!
英文: FEW things make European Union bosses so cross as “euromyths”: those invented or exaggerated tales of barmy Brussels bureaucrats trying to outlaw a cherished feature of everyday life, be it pints of British milk or low-cut blouses on Bavarian barmaids (to
中文: 鲜有事情能像“欧洲传言”那样激怒欧盟的老板们,在这些空穴来风或夸大之辞中,布鲁塞尔的愚蠢官僚们正试图向凡世间的美妙之处施以禁令,从英国牛奶的计量单位品脱到巴伐利亚酒女的低胸衫(引用去年的两则小报消息)[1]。
英文: This idea seemed barmy when first proposed by a local historian a century ago.
中文: 一个世纪前,当这个观点被当第一个历史学家提出来时,它看起来有点傻头傻脑。