英文: It furnishes management seeking and technology support of EIP, Business Cooperation, Information Plat,Video Conference System and Internet Security Products and so on.
中文: 定向为政府和大中型企业提供网络信息化整体解决方案,包括电子政务、协同商务、信息平台、视频会议、网络安全等全方位管理咨询和技术服务。
英文: The store managers utilize TV conference system to exchange information; for example, what is the hottest product in the store, what is the slowest sale, which promotion method is good and which is not good.
中文: 店铺经理频繁地召开电视会议,交流营业现场的信息,例如:哪种商品好卖,哪种不好卖,哪种促销活动管用,哪种不管用。
英文: Therefore, Wal-Mart installs TV conference system to link all stores and home office.
中文: 于是沃尔玛装备了电视会议系统,将所有店铺与总公司以及各店铺彼此连在一起。