英文: A complex cytoskeleton of F-actin filaments and microtubules is often present, and appears to control the structure of the cytoplasm, cell movements, and movements of the cytoplasm and conformation of the membranes.
中文: 微丝和微管构成的复杂的细胞骨架存在于细胞质中,细胞骨架维持着细胞质的结构,细胞运动,胞质流动以及细胞膜的构象。
英文: Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division. This cell is in anaphase of mitosis. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue.
中文: 正处于有丝分裂后期的动物上皮细胞。绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,正在有丝分裂的染色体为蓝色,正在向两极运动。
英文: Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division. This cell is in metaphase of mitosis. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue.
中文: 正处于有丝分裂中期的动物上皮细胞。绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,蓝色的染色体正处于赤道板。
英文: Cultured epithelial cell undergoing division. This cell is in prophase of mitosis. Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue.
中文: 以上两图为正处于有丝分裂前期的动物上皮细胞。绿色的是微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,染色质高度螺旋成为粗短的染色体(蓝色),核膜核仁逐渐解体,染色体不规则地分布于细胞内。
英文: Cytoskeleton of a cultured epithelial cell. Microtubules are shown in green and DNA is shown in blue.
中文: 处于有丝分裂间期的动物上皮细胞。绿色为微丝,红色为肌动蛋白,蓝色为染色质,中心点复制成两个。