英文: Men who smoke are up to 40 percent more likely to suffer from impotence than those who don't,said Dr Christopher Millett, of Imperial College London, who worked on the research.
中文: 研究负责人、伦敦帝国理工学院克里斯托弗·米莱特博士说:“吸烟的男人受阳痿困扰的几率要比不吸烟的男人高出40%。”
英文: Almost one in 10 reported an impotence problem lasting more than a month during the previous year.
中文: 将近十分之一的人说,在过去一年中曾有一个多月的时间持续存在此类性功能障碍。
英文: Effect: kidney in Vigo-rating, loins-strengthening, suitable for lumbago, asthenia of kidney, drizzle ness and tinnitus, especially for the impotence and other deficiency of sexuality.
中文: 功效:补肾壮阳、益精、治劳损、腰膝酸痛、肾虚、耳聋、耳鸣,对阳痿及有性功能障碍者有特殊疗效.
英文: Impotence can actually be an early signal of other ailments.
中文: 阳痿可能是其他疾病的先兆。
英文: May they feel deeply how all the impotence of Thy Church to bless the world, is owing to nothing but this—not giving Christ and His Holy Spirit the place in their hearts which Thou wouldest have.
中文: 愿他们能深深的感觉到:你的教会在把祝福带给世人的事上之无能,不是由于别的,乃是由于在他们心中,没有照着你的意愿,把当有的地位给基督和他的圣灵。