英文: Because of the arithmetic having considered the annotation width and the degree of curvature of curve, the distribution of height annotation more even, the arrangement more order and the amount more mezzo of contour.
中文: 由于该算法同时考虑了注记宽度和曲线的弯曲度,因而与其他算法相比,等高线高程自动注记分布均匀合理,排列整齐,数量适中。
英文: MEZZO Marketing HK Ltd. - on/offline advertising, expresso email solutions, intelligent datamart and call center services.
中文: 网上多媒体广告发布,策划和解决方案服务.
英文: Wei Wei is a famous mezzo soprano singer in China. Her free, open, powerful voice is distinguished in the music community.
中文: 著名歌手,是国内乐坛少有的女中音,开阔宽广的声音,中气十足且具有爆发力。