英文: Liquid systems are suitable for a broader range of applications, such as hydronic space heating, service water heating, industrial process water heating, energizing absorption air conditioning, and pool heating, and as a heat source for series-coupled hea
中文: 液体系统适用范围较宽,像液体循环空间加热、服务水加热、工业处理水加热、能量吸收空调、联合供热,和连续-联合热泵的热源。
英文: Ultra-minute work microporous FELT membrane through o reuse facility f service water and 3 times sequence high grade treatment of waste&sewage water.
中文: 超微孔精细过滤膜上的超微小孔能高效用于生活用水回用和污水三级处理工程。