英文: 1The connecting lever is employd trundleing the needle with maintains a module chiefly to be used the motor.The compressor is with else crank connecting instrument ,OAD and the composition mould style fixs the necessary demand on the basis of the motorcyc
中文: 1连杆用滚针和保持架组件主要用于发动机,压缩机和其它曲柄连杆机构上,外形尺寸和结构型式的确定根据国内外摩托车的配套要求,考虑到互换和通用的要求,确定了曲柄销用滚针和保持架组件KZK和活塞销用KBK型。
英文: A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.
中文: 联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置
英文: A dynamic mathematical model of an air source heat pump water chiller/heater (ASHPWCH) under frosting was developed by connecting several of its component models according to principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation.
中文: 摘要在空气源热泵冷热水机组各部件模型的基础上,基于质量守恒定律、动量守恒定律和能量守恒定律,将这些部件模型有机地结合起来,建立了机组结霜工况下的动态数学模型。
英文: A pattern structure in substrate can be formed through connecting many small concave spherical structures formed by chemical etching.
中文: 通过腐蚀,硅衬底上会出现一组凹球面状的微结构,具有一定轮廓特征的微结构可以由一组这样的凹球面微结构拼接而成。
英文: “Introducing music to children before the age of three would solidify the neural connections and that connecting these neurons would infant, increase spatial reasoning capabilities of a child.
中文: 3岁以前让孩子接触音乐,能形成神经元的联结,这种联结可以孕育和增强孩子的思考推想能力。