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sense of security

【法】 安全感

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英文: Charles Wilson of the University of Mississippi argues that religion helped the transition away from Jim Crow, “because it is a language shared by black and white, and because it gives whites a sense of security and continuity amid wrenching change.

中文: 不仅因为最具说服力的民权改革者是传教士,诸如马丁.路德.金.密西西比大学的查尔斯.威尔逊也认为宗教有助于远离种族主义的过渡进程,“因为宗教是黑人和白人可以一同分享的语言,同时它给予白人一种安全感和在痛苦转变中的信仰连续性。”        更详细...
英文: Crescent Shape: The whole district is built north to south with crescent shape and enclosed arrangement, which embodies the centripetal force and affinity of space and ensure the private space and sense of security and belonging.

中文: 新月形建筑造型:世贸丽晶城整个园区坐南朝北,新月形的建筑造型,楼宇之间相对围合,体现了空间的向心力与亲和力,保证了高尚居住区居住的私密感、安全感和归属感。        更详细...
英文: He lacks a sense of security for the job, because they are not provided any policy to be prevent from unemployment.

中文: 30他们对工作没有安全感,因为政府并不保护他们使之免遭失业。        更详细...
英文: If we stop now -- leaving terror camps intact and terror states unchecked -- our sense of security would be false and temporary.

中文: 如果我们现在停下来----既不捣毁恐怖训练营也不检查恐怖主义国家----我们只能获得暂时与虚假的安全感。        更详细...
英文: This article raises a new definition of the scientific sense of security measure, points out the theoetical foundation thereof and thereupon proves the fate of security measure in law in China.

中文: 对保安处分的内涵重新进行界定,进而揭示出其理论根基,在此基础之上,论证保安处分在我国的法律命运。        更详细...

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