英文: At the low resolution, a region-based Gaussian noise model is applied to analyze the echocardiographic images and combined with a geodesic contour model for the pre-segmentation, while the combinative model is competent to accurately and automatically ext
中文: 提出了基于数学形态学算子的尺度间快速解传递方法,该方法不需要进行插值运算,避免了常规方法效率低的问题。
英文: THINKING-UP IMAGE CO.,was established in 1995. As your marketing partner, we endeavor to bring inspiring ideas with high standard of combinative services to help our clients achieving their marketing goals.
中文: 「思智创意设计公司」成立于2000年。作为你的合作夥伴,我们致力为客户提供配合市场需求的专业意见及相关服务,以求达到理想指标。
英文: The Avant-Courier Floor Board: Due to combinative of all Wood, it takes up the 80% paving surface in Occident's Projects.
中文: 由于它结合了其它木地板的优点,故在欧美国家,三层实木地板已占工程总铺装面积的80%。
英文: The structure of city grading manifests that the combinative relationship between cities in the county of Donghai agrees with the pyramid-pattern with the grading of the scale being inversely proportional to the number of cities in the day.
中文: 这一等级结构反映了西汉时期东海郡城市组合关系符合城市规模等级与城市数量成反比的“金字塔”模式,对认识西汉末年其他郡国城市等级组合关系有借鉴作用。
英文: The structure of city grading refers to the combinative relationship between cities of different grades in a region.
中文: 摘要城市等级结构是指区域内不同等级城市之间的组合关系。