英文: A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
中文: 一位心脏学家说,如果接到这封信就传给十个人的话,至少将会救活一个人的命。
英文: Leor is a cardiologist at Sheba Medical Center and director of the Tel Aviv University Neufield Cardiac Research Institute.
中文: 雷欧是以色列席巴医学中心的心脏学家,并兼任特拉维夫大学纽菲德心脏研究所所长。
英文: The Cardiologist uses the stethoscope for cardiac auscultation; listening carefully to detect irregular rhythms, an S3 or S4 often noted in CHF and heart murmurs heard with stenotic valve lesions.
中文: 心脏科医生使用听诊器进行心脏听诊,仔细倾听来发现心律失常、心力衰竭时常出现的第三心音(S3)和第四心音(S4)以及狭窄性瓣膜病变时产生的心脏杂音。
英文: The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, an organization co-founded by BWH cardiologist Bernard Lown, MD.
中文: 1985年---为奖励在预防核战争中的努力,诺贝尔奖金颁发给了国际内科医师组织。这个组织是由布赖海姆女子医院的心脏病专家伯纳德.劳恩博士合作创办的。