英文: He treated other Confucian classics by this vision and further reached a conclusion that all the Five Classics are nothing but images while the Yi governs their principleand advocate basing on lexical interpretations and aiming to the principle in the stu
中文: 他以此象理无隔的易学视野和方法来统摄《六经》,进一步得出了“《五经》皆象,《易》统其理”的经学观,并主张治经要以训诂为根基,以义理为标的,从而使他的经学呈现出汉宋兼采并治的学术特色。
英文: Therefore, Four Books and Five Classics and eight-part essays became the main knowledge to be acquired and the knowledge that was not related to the examination was discarded.
中文: 也正因此,《四书五经》和八股文成为士人所学习的主要知识,其他无关应考的知识一概被摒弃。