英文: 15 years history of Hatal ALuminium's development could be an epitome of full domestic-supply progress of auto parts in China.
中文: 海特铝业15年的发展历史,可以作为整个中国汽车零配件本土化发展进程的一个缩影。
英文: APSS is available in single and multi-tier to store from very small to large and awkwardly unique and extreme versatility of the system offers solutions to auto parts distribution centers(PDC)and 4S stations.
中文: 汽车零部件货架系统通常为阁楼货架,是专为汽车种类复杂,大小不等的零部件存储而“量身定制”的,别致的设计与多样化的功能提供完善的存储模式,是汽车配件配送中心和4S服务店的理想选择。
英文: Along with the spring breeze of “Hundreds of Enterprises to Guangxi” and the slogan of “Creating a New Industrial Liuzhou”, a group of small and medium-sized enterprises which mainly rely on engineering machinery, auto parts and machining process settled
中文: 伴随着“百企入桂”的温暖春风和“再造一个工业柳州”的嘹亮号角,一批以工程机械、汽车配件和机加工为重点的中小型企业在龙城这片开放的热土上落地生根、迅速发展。
英文: Although some consumers tend to use the cheap unoriginal auto parts, the original auto parts are gaining more and more chance and market shares in the market, and is developing to the dominant part.
中文: 尽管一些消费者倾向于使用廉价的非正品零配件,但正规的零配件市场仍很有前景,并正在赢得更多的机会和份额,逐步成为主流。
英文: As the government cooperator of the 2006 Germany World Cup, in order to return to customers, Beijing Hyundai adjust the price of the products adopting the favorable policy of the cutting down of auto parts tariffs, and the new products shows to customers
中文: 作为2006年德国世界杯的官方合作伙伴,同时也为了更好的回报广大消费者,北京现代充分利用国家零配件关税下调的有利政策,即日起对北京现代系列产品价格进行调整,新的价格将让消费者一如既往的感受到我们产品卓越的性价比优势。