英文: By around age three, George has ceased using null subjects, and has the following proportions for overt subject use: he uses full NP subjects 25% of the time, and pronominal subjects 75% of the time.
中文: 大约到了三岁,乔治开始减少使用空主语,而使用清楚主语的比例如下:他使用完整名词词组当主语占25%,代名词当主语占75%。
英文: Early on in his acquisition of English, George sometimes uses full NP subjects, sometimes uses pronominal subjects, and sometimes uses null subjects.
中文: 起初在习得英语时,乔治有时会用完整的名词词组当主语,有时用代名词当主语,而有时用空主语。
英文: Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development.
中文: 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词词组到代名词当主语的比例维持不变。