英文: Consul General Tian Erlong, Vice-consul Xie Xiaoyong gave great recognition to the development of the association through the elaborate understanding, and invite Secretary-general Yao, Vice-president Guo Guofu and Standing Director Cai Jiukun to have lunc
中文: 经过对协会各项工作非常详尽的了解,田总领事和谢副总领事均对协会的发展表示极大的认可,并邀请姚秘书长及郭国富副会长、蔡九坤常务理事一同共进午餐。
英文: Invited by Chinese Consulate in St. Petersburg, Secretary-generalYao, Vice-president Guo Guofu and Standing Director Cai Jiukunvisited Consul General Tian Erlong, Vice-consul Xie Xiaoyong andwere received by them on Mar. 29th 2007.
中文: 2007年3月29日,应中华人民共和国驻圣彼得堡领事馆邀请,姚秘书长、郭国富副会长、蔡九坤常务理事等中国制造厂商协会领导拜会了总领事田二龙、副总领事谢小用。并受到田总领事和谢副总领事的热烈欢迎。