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development cost

【经】 开发成本

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英文: Although the basic software is free and may be all you ever need, prepare to pay up for support, hosting, premium features or the development cost of customizing the source code to your own unique needs.

中文: 虽然你一直需要的基本的软件是免费的,但是你得准备为支持、主机托管、高级特性或者量身定做的修改源代码以符合你个性化需要而支付费用。        更详细...
英文: Article 14 The total development cost mentioned in Paragraph 4, Article 8 of the Act refers to the total amount of compensation in cash for expropriated private-owned lands or the agreed purchase price of the lands, the land price of the public-owned land

中文: 第14条本条例第八条第四项所称开发总成本,指徵收私有土地之现金补偿地价或协议价购地价、有偿拨用公有土地地价、公共工程费用、土地整理费用及贷款利息等项之支出总额。        更详细...
英文: The long-term measure to reduce it is that the government provide social service to reduce the development cost and keep the masses enjoy the development opportunity equally.

中文: 缩小这种内生的收入差距的长效机制在于通过政府提供制度化的社会服务来降低发展成本,使最广大的社会群体都能公平地享有发展的机会。        更详细...
英文: The real estate development cost control methods are specified of decision, design, execution stage to reduce the construction cost, and it is compiling feasibility study report and capital invest estimation in decision, optimizing the design scheme and d

中文: 讨论了房地产开发项目的决策阶段、设计阶段、实施阶段分别需要采取的相关措施和方法,以尽量降低项目的工程造价,即在决策阶段编写详细的可行性研究报告和编制投资估算;在设计阶段优化设计方案,进行合理的技术设计和施工图设计;在实施阶段选择合理的施工方案,严格控制工程变更和现场签证,严格审核工程施工图预算,工程造价的预算采用工程量清单报价,择优确定专业分包单位,防止少数垄断性行业任意抬价,深入现场,收集和掌握施工有关资料,制定严密的合同条款。        更详细...
英文: To capitalize on market demand, product development cost control, optimizing production processes and to layout production line for company.

中文: 能够把握市场需求,对产品开发成本进行控制,优化生产工艺,以及对公司整个产品线作出合理规划。        更详细...

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