英文: A scorned woman, Jenny/G-Girl unleashes on her ex the full fury of her super-powered wrath as she sets out on a no-holds-barred mission to bust up Matt's budding romance with his co-worker Hannah (Anna Faris).
中文: 结果这位“超人女友”狂发飙,出尽浑身招数,全力以赴完成任务——破坏马特和工作伙伴汉娜还在蓓蕾中的感情,让“负心汉”吃尽苦头。
英文: Aside from death threats from Bryant himself, Mitch Kupchak and the Buss's would be scorned for life for being the ones responsible for letting Shaq AND Kobe walk.
中文: 除了来自科比的生死威胁之外,湖人老板米奇-库普查克和布斯还可能一辈子都会因为放走奥尼尔和科比而被球迷嘲弄。
英文: Deng Xiaoping's proposals to increase exports he scorned as “nation-selling capitulationism”.
中文: 邓小平关于“增加出口”的建议也被他痛斥为“卖国投降主义”。
英文: He scorned all our offers of help.
中文: 他对我们提供的帮助不屑一顾。
英文: Pluto, beloved by some as a cosmic underdog but scorned by astronomers who considered it too dinky and distant, was unceremonimously stripped of its status as a planet.
中文: 有些人认为冥王星是宇宙弱势者而支持它,但天文学家认为它太小又太远,而毫不客气的去除它的行星地位。