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rate of return

【经】 收益率

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英文: As background for core courses, Microeconomics begins with a review of trends in the U.S. income distribution including factors in increasing inequality - the rising rate of return to education, immigration, winner-take-all markets at the top of the distr

中文: 诚如一开始所讲的,本课程核心背景是在于检视现在在美国所得分配的趋势,以及探讨加速所得分配不均的因素-再进修比例攀升、移民、高所得者获取绝多数的市场资源等。        更详细...
英文: Clearly you should use the currently expected rate of return on the market portfolio; that is the return investors would forgo by investing in the proposed project.

中文: 很明显你应该用市场组合的当前期望回报率;那就是投资者因投资建议的项目而将放弃的回报。        更详细...
英文: However, in all probability, educated Americans Will be richer at retirement simply because they will be able to save more along the way and because they are likely to be smarter and can achieve a higher rate of return on their savings.

中文: 但是极为可能的是受过良好教育的美国人之所以在退休时更富有是因为他们在过去的岁月里积攒得更多,而且他们可能更明智,获取更高的存款的投资回报率。        更详细...
英文: Hurdle rate: In discounted cashflow analysis, the rate of return below which an investment is not worth making. Used more with capital expenditure than securities investments.

中文: 投资)最低回报率要求,最低预期回报率:现金流贴现分析中指投资值得考虑的最低回报率,更多用于资本支出而不是证券投资。        更详细...
英文: If a farmer is evaluating a project, such as investment in new machinery or the addition of a new enterprise to the farm, then the opportunity cost to the farmer is the rate of return that could be earned on another investment elsewhere in the economy.

中文: 如果某农户要评估一个项目,诸如购买新机械或在农场增加新的产业,那么,他的机会成本便是如果投资于其它方面可能得到的资本回收率。        更详细...

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