英文: 1 Sit with your legs straight out in front of you, raising your pelvis on a blanket if your hips or groins are tight.
中文: 1坐姿,双腿伸直,如果在一条毛毯上升起你的骨盘如果你的臀部或者腹股沟很紧的话就用一块毯子垫高你的你的骨盘。
英文: A case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ipisilateral ureter is reported.
中文: 本文报导一同时存在于肾盂及同侧中段输尿管之原发性鳞状上皮细胞癌的病例。
英文: A monkey infant enters the birth canal headfirst, with the broad back of its skull against the roomy back of the mother's pelvis and tailbone.
中文: 猴儿进入产道时,头下脚上,较宽的后脑勺顶著母猴骨盆背面和尾椎的宽敞空间。
英文: Conservative treatment for this condition is recommended except for frank rupture of the renal pelvis or ureter and formation of a perirenal abscess.
中文: 外科医师唯有对此病有所认知,才能早期诊断与治疗并减少不必要的剖腹探查术。
英文: Conveniently, the birth canal—the bony opening in the pelvis through which the baby must travel to get from the uterus to the outside world—is also an oval shape.
中文: 正巧产道也是卵形的(产道即骨盆的出口,是胎儿从子宫来到人世的必经之道)。