英文: The provisions of this Agreement shall not require any Member to disclose confidential information which would impede law enforcement or otherwise be contrary to the public interest or would prejudice the legitimate commercial interests of particular ente
中文: 本协定的规定不得要求任何成员披露会妨碍执法或违背公共利益或损害特定公私企业合法商业利益的机密信息。
英文: (b)The enforcement of the Loan Agreement, the MOA and the Assignment of MOA is subject that obligations found to be contrary to public policy as interpreted in the future by the courts of the R.O.C. may not be enforced by such courts.
中文: 关于此点可比照前文保留意见条款第八条,即相关契约之执行会受限于中华民国法院对公序良俗的解释,亦可参考民事诉讼法第四百零二条、涉外民事法律适用法第二十五条。