英文: No worries -- if I accidentally put too much pepper on this chicken, I can just revert to the latest version in the repository.
中文: “不要着急――如果我不小心放了很多胡椒粉到鸡肉上面,我可以回到库中的上一个版本。”
英文: After your company assesses the pilots, KM will continue along one of three paths, KM efforts will be expanded to new initiatives, existing initiatives will be improved, or the status quo will be maintained, in which case employees will likely revert to p
中文: 在公司评定试点工作之后,知识管理将继续剩下的三分之一的路,KM的实施将将逐渐的扩展到新的项目,提升现有的工作,固化新的工作模式,以防止员工由于习惯返回以前的工作方式。
英文: I would not want to have to revert to our previous search methods.
中文: 我不会再使用以前的搜索方法了。
英文: If Mr Sarkozy and Mr Solbes revert to business as usual, they will fail just as their predecessors did.
中文: 如果萨尔科奇先生和索尔韦斯先生仍然一切照旧,那他们就会像前任一样失败。
英文: If his illness proves fatal, power in the Senate could revert to the Republicans.
中文: 如果他的病证明是致命的,那么参议院的权利可能会回到共和党手中。