英文: As a Spatial CAA V5 adopter the company is now applying its expertise to ensure tighter integration between styling, concept design, modelling, and manufacturing and production processes, by providing another innovative software solution.
中文: 如今正利用它的专长提供另一创新的解决工具,而紧密整合,从造型,概念设计,构图,制造一直到量产.
英文: As you were lying there, O king, your mind turned to things to come, and the revealer of mysteries showed you what is going to happen.
中文: 29王阿,你在床上想到后来的事,那显明奥秘事的主把将来必有的事指示你。
英文: Captain,Vanessa managed to shout above the noise, the seismic sensor indicates an intense gravity field underlying the base!
中文: “舰长”,范妮莎努力的把声音盖过噪音,”地震传观器显示在基地下面,有一个强力引力区域.”
英文: Do not rejoice, O Philistia, all of you, Because the rod that struck you is broken; For from the serpent's root a viper will come out, And its fruit will be a flying serpent.
中文: 赛14:29非利士全地阿、不要因击打你的杖折断就喜乐.因为从蛇的根、必生出毒蛇.他所生的、是火焰的飞龙。
英文: He is lying,said the girl angrily, lying on the hay.
中文: “他在说谎。”那个女孩躺在干草上,气愤地说。