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general secretary

总书记, 秘书长

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英文: 1984 Yu. Tsedenbal, general secretary of the MPRP and president of the Presidium of the Great Khural of the MPR, was removed from his posts.

中文: 蒙古人民革命党第一书记,蒙古人民共和国大呼拉尔主席团主席,被撤职。        更详细...
英文: 20 Years of Making experience: The President and General Manage of the company is one of the first few entrepreneurs who stepped into the zipper industry and is now elected as the General Secretary and Vice Director of China Zipper Association.

中文: 具有20年的行业经验:我们的董事长兼总经理是国内最早涉足拉链行业之士,经同行企业家推选现任中国拉链协会秘书长兼副理事长。        更详细...
英文: After the interview, Minister Yue invited General Secretary Yao Haitao of Made in China Association &madeincinaindex and Vice General president Guo guofu and Administrative Director Cai Jiukun to meal, during the meal, once again he prized the achievement

中文: 会谈后,岳玉成公使热情邀请姚秘书长和郭国富副会长、蔡九坤常务理事一同共进午餐,再一次向姚秘书长等人的来访表示欢迎,并对中国制造厂商协会促进“中国制造走出去”战略所取得的成绩给予充分肯定。        更详细...
英文: At 5th plenary session of our party's 16th national conference, the construction of a new socialist countryside was proposed as a major historic task by the general secretary of CPC Central Committee Hu Jin-tao dominating the overall situation and long-te

中文: 以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央统揽全局、着眼长远、与时俱进,在党的十六届五中全会上提出了建设社会主义新农村的重大历史任务,为做好今后的“三农”工作指明了方向。        更详细...
英文: Cochairman of Student council, General Secretary of Student council, Commissary in charge of entertainment. In college.

中文: 曾担任学生会副主席、办公室副主任、班级文艺委员、社团理事等。        更详细...

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