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biological species


古生物学          |    查看相关文献(pubmed)   |    免费全文文献


英文: Abstract: Hill mourning the special and advantageous natural conditions, Ailaoshan become enormous natural biological species of germplasm resources gene pool, Yunnan as animals and plantskingdom of natural museumand specimen garden,is a variety of integr

中文: 摘要:哀劳山特殊而优越的自然条件,使哀牢山成为巨大的天然生物种的种质资源的基因库,成为云南动、植物王国中的天然博物馆和标本园,是多种自然科学的综合实验地,是众多学科的理想的科学考察和研究基地,是开展科考、探险、摄影、科研、回归自然、森林的首选之地,本文通过对哀牢山爬行纲的抽取调查,对哀牢山的爬行纲给出一个较系统的,完善的叙述。        更详细...
英文: Almost everybody who is politically conscious has strong feelings about one or more of these issues; but I want you, if you can, to set aside such feelings for the moment and consider yourself only as a member of a biological species which has had a remar

中文: 差不多每个有政治意识的人都对这类问题怀有强烈的感受;但是我希望你们,如果你们能够的话,把这份感受暂搁一边,并把自己只看作一种具有非凡历史、谁也不希望它灭亡的生物的一员。        更详细...
英文: Fractionation is unique highland biological species of wild land, as well as the Qinghai Treble One.

中文: 发菜是高原特有的野生陆地藻类生物,也是青海的三宝之一。        更详细...
英文: In the whole plane with less county ( or vertical distribution ) land city have concentrated from tropical valley the ecological landscape to the moss original tape of high mountain, biological species are rich, numerous , district is complex, the animal

中文: 在全县较小的平面(或垂直分布)地城内浓缩了从热带河谷到高山苔原带的生态景观,生物物种丰富、繁多,区系复杂,汇集的动植物是我国从南到北的缩影,被誉为“天然基因库“、“活的博物馆”、“哺乳动物祖先分化发展的发源地“、“南北动植物走廊”、“第四纪冰川活动时期原生物避难所”。        更详细...
英文: In this paper, it was also pointed out that the marine ecosystem would provide more services for human being than that of land ecosystem, because there were much more biological species and ecological process in the marine ecosystem.

中文: 由于海洋生态系统内生物种类和过程的极大多样性,海洋生态系统将支持更为丰富的生态服务。        更详细...

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