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industrial structure

【经】 工业结构

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英文: A comparison of the advantage rate of the two time points (1996 and 2003) indicates the trend of change with regard to industrial structure and the distribution of disadvantages and advantage location of coal resource.

中文: 研究结果表明,东北地区煤炭生产能力不断萎缩,产量优势逐渐下降、深加工程度不够,资源储备不足等。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: The exhausting of resources and the deteriorating of env ironment are common in old industry bases.Science and Techology have been widely applied to traditional industrial structure in Anshan.On the other hand,the ste ps of adjusting industral s

中文: 文摘:老工业基地普遍存在着资源枯竭,环境污染严重的问题.为此,鞍山市在传统产业中加大科技投入,实行二次能源的综合利用,加快产业结构的调整步伐,即在三次产业结构中突出发展绿色产业,以实现老工业基地的可持续发展,从而取得初步成效.        更详细...
英文: Also it is found that the industrialization level is the primary factor of the diversity in the current regional industrial structure of China.

中文: 通过对聚类结果进一步的分析得到,在目前的经济水平下,工业化水平是中国地区产业结构差异性的主要因素。        更详细...
英文: As the density of city population, industrial structure and economic development levels are all apt to change constantly, there will be readjustments of the most optimum city population size.

中文: 由于城市人口密度、产业结构和经济发展水平是不断变化的,最优的城市人口规模也会在不同时期有所调整。        更详细...
英文: As the research on the factors that affect industrial structure is incessantly deepened, the factor as system has highlighted this respect in the theoretical circle.

中文: 对影响产业结构变动要素的研究不断丰富和深入,使制度要素业已成为理论界研究产业结构变动的重点。        更详细...

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