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safety net

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英文: Although China's social safety net may gradually improve as the country grows richer, ingrained attitudes toward saving will change even more slowly.

中文: 虽然中国的社会保障系统随着国家的富裕而逐步改善,但对储蓄根深蒂固的执着心态可能改变得较慢。        更详细...
英文: Duty officer, According to the harbour regulations, the ship must fix up the safety net around gangway before discharging.

中文: 值班副,根据港口规定,卸货前船方必须在舷梯下安装安全网。        更详细...
英文: Mr Howard says the key is balance: “There is much in American society that I admire but I have long held the view that the absence of an effective safety net in that country means that too many needy citizens fall by the wayside.

中文: 霍华德表示,关键在于平衡:“我很钦佩美国社会的很多东西,但长期以来,我始终认为,美国没有一个有效的保障体系,这意味着弱势群体被抛弃。        更详细...
英文: Qianshan Safety Net Factory covers areas 6,600 sq.m , architectural areas for 3,500 sq.m, possessing more than No.30 sets including drawbench introduced from Taiwan and perfect testing equipments .Among these ,key equipments of production :plait machine m

中文: 潜山县安全网厂厂区占地6600平方米,厂房建筑面积3500平方米,拥有包括引进台湾产拉丝机在内的生产设备30余台及完善的检测设备,其中关键生产设备--经编机系德国制造,最大生产门幅可达175英寸。        更详细...
英文: Qianshan Safety Net Factory is located in famous scenic site ---at the south foot of Tianzhu Mountain , North bank of Yangtse River ,which abuts Hejiu railway, Hurong speedway and national highway for 105 and 108 ,only 50 kilometres distances from port of

中文: 潜山县安全网厂座落在潜山县城位于国家级风景名胜区--天柱山南麓,长江北岸,毗邻合九铁路、沪蓉高速公路及105、318国道,距安庆外贸口岸和机场50公里,每天均有往返于上海、南京、武汉及广州、深圳的交通工具,交通区位优势明显。        更详细...

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