英文: Conclusion: The problem of schistosomiasis japonica prevention and therapeucy in lake type epidemic scenes was resolved in Gaoyou City by some ways, such as conjugated schistosomiasis japonica prevention and therapeucy with economical construction; connec
中文: 结论:高邮市血防工作实行政府主导与市场机制相结合、血防工作与地方经济建设相结合、“开发、灭螺、治水”相结合的防治策略,较好解决了湖沼地区血吸虫病防治问题。
英文: Objective: To draw out the basis for policy making for the work of schistosomiasis japanica prevention and therapeucy in Jiangsu Province especially in lake type epidemic spots by the research of strategy of prevention and therapeucy for schistosomiasis j
中文: 摘要目的:探索新形势下的血吸虫病防治策略,为江苏省血吸虫病防治工作特别是湖沼型血吸虫病的防治工作提供决策依据。