英文: Although vertical axis wind turbines have existed for centuries, they are not as common as their horizontal counterparts.
中文: 尽管垂直轴涡轮机已经存在几个世纪,但是并不如水平轴涡轮那么通用。
英文: Burning natural gas is still a cheaper way of generating power than using wind turbines.
中文: 燃烧天然气发电依旧比风力涡轮发电更廉价。
英文: But China is also the world's fifth-biggest user of wind turbines, and the biggest consumer of the sort of solar panels used to heat water.
中文: 不过,中国还是世界上第五大风能利用国,也是最大的利用太阳能电池板加热水的国家。
英文: But advances in rotor design and high-voltage integrated-circuit controllers have enabled the latest wind turbines to generate 30 percent more power than pinwheels the same size did just a decade ago.
中文: 但是,旋转轮设计与高电压积体电路控制器的进步,让最新型的风力叶轮产生的电力,比10年前同样大小的风车增加30%。
英文: Follow up and monitor manufacturing process, inspect and accept the finished components of wind turbine; supervise the fulfillment of specifications and relative standards.
中文: 制定采购部件的检验试验计划,包括过程检验和最后验收程序的计划。