英文: Behaviorists, in contrast, say that differences in scores are due to the fact that blacks are often deprived of many of the educational and other enviromental advantages that whites enjoy.
中文: 相反地,行为学家们认为白人与黑人之间的差异是因为黑人被剥夺了接受教育的权利和其它白人所享有的环境优势.
英文: Central heating supply system is one of the energy saving and enviromental protection ways, which can realize enviromental, ecomomic and social profits together.
中文: 摘要集中供热是节约能源和解决烟尘污染的有效途径,可实现环境效益、经济效益、社会效益的统一。
英文: Figure 4. Ventral hernia with omental fat protruding through the defect in the rectus sheath. Arrows point to the defect in the rectus sheath.
中文: 图4。腹疝,大网膜经缺损的腹直肌鞘突出。箭头指示腹直肌鞘缺损。
英文: In this report, we describe a case of greater omental hemorrhage in Taiwan.
中文: 一位47岁的男性,在三天前因用完大餐之后,发生持续性上腹疼痛且合并有腹膜炎徵象。
英文: Primary omental torsion is a rare cause of acute abdomen in children.
中文: 摘要原发性网膜扭转是儿童急性腹痛的一个罕见病因。