英文: For Alcatel, the alliance will fill a gap in the CDMA network equipment it can offer customers, helping it to expand its portfolio of mobile network products.
中文: 对阿尔卡特而言,与中兴通讯联盟将填补它向顾客提供的CDMA网络设备产品缺口,帮助它拓宽移动网络产品的范围。
英文: Network Infrastructure consists of the mobile network infrastructure that provides basic connectivity, transport and mobility support.
中文: 由移动网络基础设施组成的网络基础设施提供了基本的连接,传输和移动支持。
英文: Nokia Siemens Networks ( NSN ), is a world leader in mobile network and fixed line infrastructure.
中文: 诺基亚西门子通信,全球较大移动网络公司和较大固话基础设施公司。
英文: The products are extensively used in telecommunication, medical care, hairdressing, finance and travel fields, and hold an overwhelming advantage in mobile network television and multi-media advertisement.
中文: 产品广泛应用于通讯、医疗、美容、金融、旅游等领域,并在移动网络电视和多媒体广告方面占有绝对优势。
英文: Thereisnoanother operator quite like China Mobile around the world, which not only owns the biggest mobile network and has the most mobile users in the globe, but is capable of achieving growth year in and year out.
中文: 放眼全球,没有哪一家运营商能像中国移动这样,不仅拥有全球最大的移动网络,拥有全球最多的移动用户,而且连续多年业绩增长不菲。