英文: At the same time, they showed enough spunk over the last week to have at least a few positive vibes during the layoff.
中文: 而他们最近这一周也表现出足够士气,让他们在这段休息养兵期间可以有很好的调整空间。
英文: Huihui: But I think people interested in the supernatural will want to spend more time in that room to soak up the MAJOR vibes or wait to see if something will happen.
中文: 我倒觉得对超自然现象有兴趣的人,会想要特别去沈浸在鬼的憾动里,或至少就坐在那里,等等看有没有啥会发生。
英文: I’ve got bad vibes about this place.
中文: 我对这个地方有不好的感受。
英文: You may be desperate to land that job but if your inner vibes warn you that something is amiss, back off.
中文: 可能你十分想得到这个工作,但如果感觉告诉你这个工作不适合,那就另寻机会吧。