英文: This toxin belongs to the family of toxins that cause whooping cough, a very serious bacterial infection that affects children,Dr Beddoe said.
中文: Travis Beddoe博士说:“该毒素与百日咳的致病菌属同种。”(百日咳,儿童患的一种严重感染。)
英文: 16 Saito H,Inoue T,Fukatsu K,et al.Growth hormone and the immune response to bacterial infection〔J〕.Horm Res,1996,45:5054.
中文: 15陈华德,赖文,谢巨临,等.重组人生长激素在严重烧伤患者中的应用研究〔J〕.中华整形烧伤外科杂志,1999,15:214217.
英文: 4 Termer M.Humoral immune response in human tuberculosis:Immunoglublines G,A and M directed against the purified 12 protein antigen of mycobacterial bovis Bacillus Calmette G verin. J C lin Microbiol,1988,27:1714.
中文: 3黄蓉蓉.酶联免疫吸附试验检测肺结核病人血清抗体的初步研究.中华结核和呼吸杂志,1983,6:351.
英文: A 56-year-old man developed anaphylaxis with an associated acute coronary syndrome during antibacterial therapy with amoxicillin.
中文: 1例56岁男性在使用阿莫西林抗菌治疗期间因过敏反应诱发急性冠状动脉综合征。
英文: A bacterial or fungal disease of certain plants, such as the cabbage and potato, that causes the stems to turn black at the soil line.
中文: 黑胫病某些植物,如卷心菜和土豆的一种细菌或真菌疾病,引起茎干在与土接壤处变黑