英文: Study indicated that establishing Salix psammophila checkerboard can effectively keep the earths surface from coarsening, because Salix psammophila checkerboard can obviously increase the fine sand and clay sand of soil surface, accounting for 15.1%, 18.3
中文: 结果表明:设置沙柳沙障的沙丘表层细沙含量比对照样地提高15.1%、粘粒提高18.3%、粉沙含量是对照地的1.8倍,说明设置沙柳沙障能够增加沙丘表层细颗粒含量,有效控制地表粗化。
英文: The quality of furan sand castings is usually better than clay sand castings, however, some defects are also very easy take place with furan sand castings such as blow hole, metal penetration, veining, cracking, slag inclusion, hardness too low, surface r
中文: 摘要呋喃树脂砂铸件质量一般比黏土砂铸件好,但如果原材料选择、工艺设计、造型和制芯操作不当,也会产生气孔、粘砂、脉纹、裂纹,夹渣、硬度不足、渗碳、渗硫和球化不良等铸造缺陷。