英文: Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.
中文: 善良总是最美丽的,不要令它陨落,只有我们用美丽的心去体会世界的美丽的时候才能得到美丽的反馈,希望你保持并享受你的快乐.
英文: 6 As one of the key judging criteria is originality, contestants are strongly discouraged from performing an act that closely resembles well-known acts. An obvious copy may even lead to disqualification.
中文: 创新是评判的关键标准之一。严重模仿著名节目的参赛者,其表演将被严厉扣分。明显抄袭的参赛节目将被取消比赛资格。
英文: 70 I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
中文: 我绝不气馁,因为每一次放弃的错误尝试都是向前迈进的一步。
英文: A bill approved by the Senate yesterday to spur stem cell research would go a long way toward removing restrictions that have slowed progress, burdened laboratories with red tape, reduced American competitiveness and discouraged young researchers from ent
中文: 几名顶尖的干细胞科学家称,昨天参议院通过的一项旨在激励干细胞研究的法案将对解除以前的种种研究限制大有裨益,这些限制减缓了研究进程、增加了实验室的繁文缛节、降低了美国的竞争力以及影响了年青研究员进入该领域的积极性。
英文: A simple statement on your web page to encourage feedback can go a long way, but don't be discouraged by some of the remarks you will receive.
中文: 网站中一句简单的陈述可以帮助你获得长久的反馈信息,不要被那些批评意见所吓倒。