英文: A total of 129 Taiwanese women at 6 weeks postpartum were recruited to participate in this study from Kaohsiung City area.
中文: 收集资料的五份量表包括:个人基本资料、压力知觉量表、社会支持调查、史柏史密斯自尊评量表、和具氏忧郁量表。
英文: Adolescent mothers reported significantly higher perceived stress and postpartum depression, but lower social support and self-esteem than adult mothers.
中文: 青春期母亲在知觉压力和产后忧郁方面的得分显著高于成人期母亲,而社会支持和自尊则显著低于成人期母亲。
英文: Conclusion The article confirmed that risk factors such as Depression and anxiety during pregnancy and so on are the strong risk factors for the postpartum depression.
中文: 结论结果证实了产前焦虑、抑郁等因素对产后抑郁症的发病有较强的危险性。
英文: Conclusion: The metronidazole to episiotomy wound at postpartum to prevent infection is safe and effective.
中文: 结论:产后应用甲硝唑注射液擦洗会阴及切口,可有效预防伤口感染,有利于伤口愈合。
英文: Here, we present two cases of postpartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa which were successfully treated with gauze packing thus avoiding a hysterectomy.
中文: 在此我们以纱布卷填充子宫的方式治疗前置胎盘个案于生产后发生子宫收缩不良之产后大出血,希望能提供产后大出血的另一种治疗之选择。