英文: Abstract:Based on the data collected from our surveys of the social networks of Beijing residents in 2000, we try to find out how class status decides one's role in a social network.
中文: 本文运用2000年北京城市居民社会网络调查的资料,从理性选择的视角探讨了城市居民的阶层地位对社会网络的角色关系构成的影响。
英文: Last.fm and other music social networks are difficult to replicate because of their more technical feature set.
中文: 对这些社会化网络来说,在他们的垂直领域中,最重要的也是唯一的度量尺度就是钱。
英文: Photos and videos are tougher to monetize, but we should expect that generic social networks might get into video sharing as soon as someone figures out profitable and clean way of making money in this vertical.
中文: 这两者都没有应用什么复杂的技术而且简单明了,但可能它们通过文字广告所能获得的钱途也比较有限。
英文: Social networks were more important than geographic location, the study found.
中文: 研究发现,社会网络比地理位置更加重要。
英文: The single most important metric for the social networks looking at a vertical is monetization.
中文: 对这些社会化网络来说,在他们的垂直领域中,最重要的也是唯一的度量尺度就是钱。