英文: Asahi Newspaper (English): Online version of one of Japan's leading newspapers offers articles on current events. Of particular interest to us may be the culturesection.
中文: 朝日新闻(英文版):日本一个提供即时新闻事件报导的重要报纸的线上版。对我们来说有特别兴趣的应该在“文化”这一版。
英文: At the same time, 88 percent of those claiming to be patriots said Japanese must consider their country's militaristic past and brutal colonial rule in Asia, the Asahi said.
中文: 此外,在自认为有爱国心的受访者中,88%的人认为日本必须面对自己的军国主义历史以及曾在亚洲一些国家进行的残酷殖民统治。
英文: Design flux varies depending on feed waste water quality or system design basis. Customers are requested to consult with Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation.
中文: 标准设计过滤水量由于原水水质和设计条件等的影响,请与本公司联系商谈。
英文: Design flux varies depending on feed water quality or system design basis. Customers are requested to consult with Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation.
中文: 设计透水量随进水水质和设计条件不同而改变,有关详情请向本公司咨询联系。
英文: Filtration method is subject to feed water quality. Consult Asahi Kasei Chemicals Corporation for further information.
中文: 根据进水水质不同,可以选择不同过滤方式,有关详情请向本公司咨询联系。